Two works showcased at the Earth Day Art Model 2023
Pleased to announce that two of my works "Aurora" and "The Spirit of the Giant Tree" will be showcased at the Earth Day Art Model 2023.

Two works showcased at the NoiseFloor 2023
I am pleased to announce that my work “Aurora” is accepted by NoiseFloor2023.https://noisefloor.org.uk/event-details/

Go to BIFAN and see our movie "Diving into Syraya"
My 3D immersive music and sound design for the VR movie“Diving into Syraya” by Poké Poké Creative, was selected and will be exhibited at...

Master Class at UW-Madison
Apr. 22, 2021 Being invited by famous composer and my teacher, Laura Schwendinger (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Schwendinger), as...

"The Spirit of the Giant Tree" will be showcased at IRCAM Forum in NYC, USA.
10/1-2 My 3D immersive work “The Spirit of the Giant Tree” will be presented at NYC, USA. Welcome to join the IRCAM Forum!

"The Spirit of the Giant Tree" showcased at SICMF 2022
Pleased to announce that my work "The Spirit of the Giant Tree" will be showcased at SICMF 2022, Korea.

Pray For Life (harpsichord performed by Chia-Hsuan Tsai)
Pray for life, pray for the world, and pray with J.S.Bach. Very emotional music with immersive sound design.